Precision Digital PD6730X User Manual
Page 37

PD6730X Vantageview Super Snooper Modbus Scanner
Instruction Manual
PV Number Configuration (PV NUM)
The PV Number menu is used to enable and disable each Modbus PV 1 to 16. The Modbus device and
registers are configured for each of the enabled PVs. PVs that are not enabled will not appear in other
programming menus for display or inclusion in math channel functions (CV).
PV1 to PV16 are programmed in identical menus.
Note: To enable a PV it must be assigned to a specific slave ID.
Enable/Disable PV (ENABLE, DISABLE)
Enable or disable the Modbus PV. Disabled PVs will require no additional configuration. Disabled PVs will
not be accessible in other menus or functions.
Enter the Modbus ID of the slave device that contains the PV information.
Function Code (FUNCODE)
Select the Modbus function code necessary to read the device. Use the Up and Down arrows to select
the appropriate function code, and press Enter to accept the function code.
See the PD6730X Modbus Register Tables available at for more information on function
Register Number (ReG NUM)
Enter the Modbus register number of the PV information on the Modbus slave device defined in the Slave