Automatic mode, Automatic mode setting, Changing from manual to automatic mode – MCZ Face User Manual
Page 31: Cleaning the grate

Chapter 4
Technical service - Rights reserved MCZ GROUP S.p.A. - Reproduction prohibited
Mode:AUTO Menu
Temp:20° Fan:2
Mode:AUTO Menu
Temp:20° Fan:2
21.0°C 21.04
Mode:MANU Menu
Fire:1 Fan:2
Con il pulsante in alto a sinistra selezionare la funzione MAN (modalità
MANUALE). In questa modalità mediante il pulsante in basso a sinistra
(F) è possibile regolare le 5 potenze caloriche della stufa, mentre con il
tasto in basso a destra (C) la velocità dei ventilatori.
4.8.2. Automatic mode
The AUTOMATIC working mode foresees that the desired room
temperature is set on the control panel.
The probe located on the back of the stove verifies room temperature
and the flame is set at power P5 until such temperature is reached.
When it is reached it automatically drops by one power per minute until
it reaches P1 and stays there as long as such condition remains
When room temperature once again drops below that set, the flame
automatically rises by one power per minute up to P5 and stays there
until room temperature returns as desired once again, and so on. AUTOMATIC MODE SETTING
From the first screen with the word ON, press any key and the screen
with the word MENU will appear.
With the upper left button select the AUTO function (AUTOMATIC
mode). In this mode using the bottom left button it is possible to
adjust the temperature desired in the room.
By pressing button Temp the temperature rises one degree at a time
(until it reaches 35°C to then start again from 5°C). By holding the
Temp key down you enter the menu for setting the temperature using
arrow keys RH and LH Changing from manual to automatic mode
It is possible to pass from the MANUAL function to the AUTOMATIC
function and vice-versa by selecting the related key on the control
panel. Cleaning the grate
Totally independently the stove proceeds with internal over-ventilation
in order to prevent obstructions in the grate holes. Nonetheless this
does not exonerate users from the obligation of cleaning the grate
When cleaning the grate, the smoke extractor operates at maximum
power for 30”.
Automatic mode