General settings – Casio Naurtech CETerm Ver.5.5 User Manual User Manual
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CETerm | CE3270 | CE5250 | CEVT220
Page 86
Scripts can be launched by button or key presses, or triggered by events such as specific host
data detected on the screen or successful barcode scanner input. Scripts can be edited and
tested directly on the device. Scripts can also interact with the Web Browser and native
JavaScript. A script can be as simple as an automated login or as complex as reformatting a TE
session with a Web Browser interface to improve productivity.
General Settings
The General tab maintains settings for enabling, running, permissions and testing scripts. All
settings on this tab apply to all scripts configured in the Scripts tab.
Enable: This is the main setting to enable or disable the scripting capability. This
checkbox should be set for the Scripting engine to be loaded and initialized inside
CETerm. The default value is unchecked.
Re-Initialize: This button can be used if you have made changes to the permissions or
your scripts and you wish to re-load these changes. The re-initialization does not take
place until the dialog is closed.
Script Timeout: This setting is provided to limit the duration of script execution. This
limit is useful when developing new scripts and as a safeguard against a script with an
―infinite loop‖. A value of 0 will disable the timeout. During execution, a script can modify
the timeout value and reset the timer to allow additional execution time. The default value
is 300 seconds; a little over 3 minutes.
Show Script Errors: Enable this checkbox if you want CETerm to display errors if these
are encountered in testing your scripts. Only syntax errors are detected.
Allow File/Registry Read: Enable this checkbox if you want to allow scripts running in
CETerm to have the ability to read data from the device registry.