Edit keymap – Casio Naurtech CETerm Ver.5.5 User Manual User Manual
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CETerm | CE3270 | CE5250 | CEVT220
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Select Keymap Type: Selects
―how‖ the configured Keymap will apply to
connected host sessions. The available choices are:
Session: The key remapping is associated with this host session only
(say S1, if S1 is being configured). When you choose this selection, the
key remap bindings will not be available in another session (say S2 or S3
etc). The will only be active for the configured session.
Emulation: The key remapping is associated with a particular type of
emulation or host connection; such as 3270, 5250, VT or HTML. This
Keymap can be shared with other host sessions running the same host
type connection. As an example, if sessions S1 and S3 are configured
for 5250 emulations and S2 is configured for a Web Browser session,
then all 5250 Keymap configurations will be available to all 5250
sessions (S1 and S3). These will not be available to session S2 as it is
not a 5250 emulation session.
NOTE: The external key remap, where the key remap bindings are
loaded as part of a separate DLL, is no longer supported.
Include Common Map: CETerm provides a predefined set of key remap
bindings which are common to all sessions by default. When checked, the
Common keymap will be added to the session or emulation keymap. You can
also modify the Common keymap binding separately.
Device Specific Key remap configurations: Certain devices, like the
Honeywell (Hand Held Products) Dolphin series and the Compsee MAT
terminals may have device specific key remap bindings which can be loaded.
These key remaps are based on popular legacy overlays for various emulations.
You can enable inclusion of these key remaps using the device specific
configuration attributes.
These settings will only be visible when running the device tailored versions of
CETerm on applicable devices.
Disable Windows Action Keys: The Windows Mobile Operating System
includes an OS Shell to manage its special user interface. For devices running
Windows Mobile, the OS shell intercepts certain function keys like the F6 and F7
for volume up / down controls thus preventing their use in any application (like
CETerm). By enabling this setting, CETerm prevents the OS Shell from
intercepting these keys.
This setting is specific to the OS platform and is only visible in CETerm running
on Windows Mobile platform devices.
Edit Keymap
You can add, modify and remove key remap bindings using this configuration tab. The
current bindings for the default selected Keymap are visible in the table.