3 meter menu, 0 setup – Magnum Energy ME-RC Remote User Manual

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©2013 Magnum Energy, Inc.

3.0 Setup

3.3.3 METER


Pressing the METER button accesses the various meters that assist in

determining the status of the inverter/charger and the battery system.

Info: All displays revert back to the home screen (except for the

displays under the METER button) if no button has been pressed

for approximately fi ve minutes.




01 INV/CHG Meter

Display shows

menu item:


DC: ##.#V #A

Display shows

DC meter:

Press to select

Figure 3-5, METER: 01 INV/CHG Meter Display

METER: 01 INV/CHG Meter – This menu item displays the DC voltage

and current while either inverting or charging.
DC: V (Volts) & A (Amps): First value displays the voltage from the

batteries connected to the inverter. This reading’s accuracy is ±1.5%

with a 0.1 VDC resolution. Second value displays (while inverting) a

negative number to show the battery current used by the inverter. If

charging, the DC: A (Amps) reading displays a positive number to show

the amount of current delivered to the batteries. The accuracy of this

display below 1 amp AC (~10 amps DC @ 12VDC) is not detected. When

the current into or out of the batteries is greater than 1 amp AC, the

display accuracy is ±20%.
VAC Out: Display provides the AC voltage measurement at the inverter’s

output terminals. If inverting, this measures the inverter’s output

voltage. When in Standby mode, this measures the AC voltage that is

passing through the inverter from the source (e.g., grid or generator).
Hz Out: Displays (while inverting) the output frequency of the inverter.

When in Standby mode, this meter displays the frequency of the

incoming AC source (i.e., grid or generator) that is passing through the

inverter to the inverter’s output terminals. Frequency in Hertz (Hz).
Load Amps: Displays the AC amps as measured on the inverter’s AC

output terminals. The reading is positive (+) if power is being pulled

from the inverter to run an AC load—either using the batteries in

Inverter mode, or from the AC input source in Standby mode. The

reading is negative (–) to indicate power is being returned to the inverter

through the AC output terminals—possible in an AC coupled installation.

(MS-PAE, MS-PE and MSH Series models only)
Input Amp: Displays the total AC amps being used by the inverter

for charging and for powering any connected load at the output of the

inverter. This reading is always displayed as a positive (+) number. (MS-

PAE, MS-PE and MSH Series models only)
Example: If the charger is using 20A from the AC source and the load

connected to the inverter output is using 10A, the combined load on

the incoming AC source is 30A. So, 30A is displayed as the input amps.
I/C Amps: Displays the inverter or charger amps. A negative (–) amps

reading indicates the inverter is powering the inverter loads and the

batteries are discharging (inverter amps). A positive (+) amps reading