Auto home setup, Configuring auto home, Enabling/disabling auto homing – HEIDENHAIN ND 1300 CNC Setup User Manual

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CNC Setup

Auto home setup

When encoders are used that include reference marks, or

when limit switches are used in place of encoder refer-

ence marks, the location of machine zero can automati-

cally be found by the system when the QC-320 program

is launched.

The Auto home screen provides fields for configuring

CNC auto homing direction and search velocity for each


Configuring auto home

The process of configuring auto homing parameters is identical for all axes. To configure an axis for auto


1 Check or clear the Start moving in negative direction box to

specify the initial CNC search direction for the desired axes.

2 Enter the desired search velocity as a percentage

of the maximum velocity directly into the desired

Search velocity data field.

Only search for reference marks after the end of travel

Encoders with multiple reference marks (other than C-scales) must be driven to the end of travel prior to

searching for the unique mark that will repeatedly be used to define machine zero.

1 To specify encoders with

multiple reference marks, check

the Only search for reference

marks... box.

Enabling/disabling auto homing

1 Check or clear the Enable box to enable or disable auto homing.

Auto Home Setup