4 operation – Grass Valley RCP-10x0 User Manual

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RCP-10x0 | 13

4 Operation

The operations supported by the RCP-10x0 panel are straightforward in nature, but vary with the operational

• To operate the RCP-10x0, make sure the rear panel CONFIG/OPERATION DIP switch is in the

OPERATION position

To switch an output to a different source:

Select the output bus to be switched using the Destination buttons (XY mode only).

• Only one destination at a time can be selected

• Not required in the single bus, dual bus or quad bus mode

If the Preset mode is OFF (TAKE button is OFF):

• Push the Source button for the source to be routed to the selected output

• The output will be switched immediately

If Preset Mode is ON (Take button is ON and dim – available in XY with Preset mode only)

• Push the Source button for the source to be routed to the selected output

• New source button and TAKE buttons flash at high intensity

• Push the TAKE button to switch the output


If TAKE is not pushed within 30 seconds, the new source selection is cancelled

See section 4.7 for a description of the panel button assignments in Dual and Quad Bus modes.

When the user selects a crosspoint that is inhibited, the panel will report the failure to engage the crosspoint
on the source button (see source button description in Section 4.4). There is no way to inhibit or uninhibit a
crosspoint from the panel; the user must use iControl or the front panel of the router to do this.

The functionality of the control panel buttons varies, depending on the operating mode.

• A detailed chart of the status/functionality reporting of each button is given in sections 4.4 to 4.6.

The status and functionality of the various buttons is reported by:

• Color

(Red, Green, Amber)

• Intensity

(Off, Low, High)

• Flash rate

(None, Slow, Fast).

• If a button is not used in a given configuration, the button’s backlight is off.

• The color, intensity and flashing properties of a given button are not configurable.

Note: If you are connected to a Densité frame with a DENSITE-CPU-ETH2 controller, other users may
connect to the same frame and operate the router at the same time.

If you notice the button display changing when you have done nothing, it is probably another user

who has made the changes