Grass Valley DD10 part 3 User Manual
Page 117

5. Application Notes
Diamond digital DD10
To RUBOUT specific MaskStore portions adjust your cursor and actin an appro-
priate manner to what you’ve done with Paint. With Rub being ”on” while drawing
it is possible to continously erase portions, while Rub ”on/off” with no intermittent
cursor movement only cuts a hole to the current mask.
[STORES module] –> Switch MaskShift (Shift)”on”.
– Move the whole mask with the autodelegated Trackball and finish shifting with
[STORES module] –> Switch MaskShift (Shift)”off”.
– Continue to paint or erase certain mask portions if neccessary.
Imagine that an Operator created a very sophisticated mask that was perfectly
adapted to a camera foreground to be used for Chromakey.
Right before the live event someone bumps the camera and the mask needs to be
shifted. No problem – your DD can perform MaskShifting.
Furthermore it is possible to resume painting or rubout actions on that shifted mask!
To only perform a shift instead of re-drawing a complete new mask will not only save
quite a lot of time, it can be accomplished immediately.
The re-transfer of a shifted mask that is needed for continued painting or repeated
shifting takes a little while (9 Fields). Under regular circumstances a user doesn’t
recognize a drawback. But when using MaskShift operations (or Clear as well !)
within programmed Timelines, it is strongly recommended to provide extra Keyf-
rames for only switching off the Shift mode or for Clear operations, without any
other action. These additional Keyframes have to be put on HOLD for at least 5
Frames !
When all mask related settings have been finished in PVW mode the time may
come when the dedicated Keyer has to be masked with it.
– Push the Mask on button in the appropriate KEYERS module.
Otherwise the mask would have no effect on your keyed ME-Output.