Grass Valley DD10 part 3 User Manual
Page 101

5. Application Notes
Diamond digital DD10
When using the DD10 panel for a small post production you have it is possible to
access each of the DD30’s-E-Box MEs, one at a time. The input settings then follow
the assignments that were made for the MEs, provided this setup was copied from
the DD20 panel to the DD10 panel.
When copying Software structures represented by ASSIGN-Files from one panel
to another it is always a transfer of setup information for all assignable modules of
the biggest DD-family member (DD30).
No matter if the panel is small or large, the assignment of crosspoints will be execu-
ted as described in the tables of by overwriting target button row index loca-
tions with data from the source setup.
For example:
– If you start the copying process with copying factory D10 assignments to
a DD30 panel,Inputs 20 to 24, BGD1, BGD2 and all previous assignments
for Inputs 26 to 32 will be blanked in the mnemonics of the DD30 panel.
– If you start it vice versa (DD30 panel –> DD10 panel) BGD and BLACK on
the DD10 panel will be overwritten with Input 13 and 14 and so on (...see
appropriate rows forDD10 and DD30 in tables
If your DD10 panel only has access to its own dedicated E-Box it is tied to settings
that belong to ME1 of a copied external configuration.
To avoid confusion it is recommended that the source DD30 panel will
have common assignments for all ME’s or AUX rows (INSTALL \
IDENT INPUT \ Assign All). Otherwise it may happen that a special
assignment setup that was only made in the DD30’s PP or ME2
module will have no effect on the DD10 panel after copying!
If two (or more) panels are connected to one E-Box the user determines to which
E-Box module he gains access. So a DD10 panel can have ACCESS to ME1, ME2
or PP of a DD30-Electronics box. Depending on the module selected (ME...), the
assignments correspond to the appropriate ME. I. e. Assignments will change
when the user gains access to another ME.
ME2 and PP factory settings for a DD10 panel are equal to the factory
settings of a DD30 panel.
If, for instance DD20/30’s assignment has video on input 1 – 16 and correspondin-
gly coupled Key signals on inputs 17 – 32, this configuration can directly be con-
trolled by the factory assignment of a DD10 panel, connected to a DD20/30-E-Box.
”Assignment copy” will not be necessary for this.
Let’s assume input 1 is a video fill signal and input 17 its corresponding, coupled
Key. When this video (1) is selected on a DD10 panel you can use the Keyer in
”COUPLE / SPLIT” mode and the appropriate E-Box coupled Key signal (17) will
instantly be routed to the corresponding Key-source input.