Grass Valley DD10 part 3 User Manual
Page 111

5. Application Notes
Diamond digital DD10
If Chromakeying (e. g. in front of a blue wall) should be omitted on foreground por-
tions that include blue objects as well, there will be a need to hide these parts from
Key processing.
Another application could be to wipe in/out characters from a Character Generator
with a pattern that can not be created with the internal Pattern Generator (e. g.
A further application would be to exclude a certain number of foreground objects
that come from a playback tape (together with its Key signals). In case of ”Remat-
ting” already processed and tape recorded desaturated Chromakey scenes onto
a new backgrond there might be the need to ”rub out” part of the Key signal.
It is also possible that a user thinks of Keying with a signal that is created by the
Mask Generator only and to fill this shape with a DD-internal Matte Generator.
As you know best, there is plenty of applications where you have to use Mask
Generators. This Application Note will show what you can do with the built in masks
and how easy it can be done. It also gives some hints to avoid hardware related
difficulties that could occur in specific operational modes.
PaintModeMasking Operations are not possible with DD5 Hardware.
In principal it is only possible to mask signals that use the following Key-Types:
ADD – Key
LIN – Key
LUM – Key
CHROMAKEY (both types)
Of course the Mask Key can not be used to mask itself !
The Mask can be a PATTERN, a BOX-MASK, or the output of a MASK-STORE,
whatever signal this is fed with.
In some cases it is possible that you can achieve a specific operation in different
ways, e. g. with pushbutton strokes in different panel sections.
Using module pushbutton strokes is the fastest way of working, but
using the better structured menues is more convenient for functions
that aren’t used too often.