Grass Valley DD10 part 3 User Manual
Page 114

5. Application Notes
Diamond digital DD10
To DROP A SHAPE immediately turn off the currently highlighted Paint button.
Only move the cursor when Paint is off and then push Paint to activate
and immediately deactivate it to drop in a new object.
This will then added the actual cursor to the current mask store con-
To RUBOUT specific MaskStore portions adjust your cursor and act in an appro-
priate manner to what you’ve done with Paint.
With RUB being ”on” (highlighted) while drawing it is possible to continously erase
portions, while RUB ”on/off” with no intermittent cursor movement only cuts a hole
to the current mask.
[STORES-Display menu] –> Switch SHIFT ”on” (highlighted).
Move the whole mask with the autodelegated Trackball and finish
shifting with
[STORES-Display menu] –> Switch SHIFT ”off” (lowlighted).
Continue to paint or erase certain mask portions if neccessary.
Imagine that an Operator created a very sophisticated mask that was perfectly
adapted to a camera foreground to be used for Chromakey.Right before the live
event someone bumps the camera and the mask needs to be shifted. No problem
– Your DD can perform MaskShifting.Furthermore it is possible to resume painting
or rubout actions on that shifted mask !To only perform a shift instead of re-drawing
a complete new mask will not only save quite a lot of time, it can be accomplished
The re-transfer of a shifted mask that is needed for continued painting or repeated
shifting takes a little while (9 Fields). Under regular circumstances a user doesn’t
recognize a drawback. But when using MaskShift operations (or Clear as well !)
within programmed Timelines, it is strongly recommended to provide extra Keyf-
rames for only switching off the Shift mode or for Clear operations, without any
other action. These additional Keyframes have to be put on HOLD for at least 5
When all mask related settings have been finished in PVW mode the time may
come when the dedicated Keyer has to be masked with it.
Push the Mask on button in the appropriate KEYERS module.
Otherwise the mask would have no effect on your keyed ME-Output.