Figure 190, Table 173 – H3C Technologies H3C SecCenter UTM Manager User Manual
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Figure 190 Attack event details
Table 173 Event details query options
Option Description
Select a device, a device group, or All devices from the Device drop-down list. The system
will display the relevant event information. All devices and device groups that are under
your management will appear in the drop-down list.
If you select a device group, the system will display the event information (matching the
filter) of all firewall devices in the device group in the specified statistics duration.
If you select a device name, the system will display the event information (matching the
filter) of the firewall device in the specified statistics duration.
Select a filter to filter attack events.
Select the statistics duration. You can select Day, Week, or Month, or select Customize to
specify a statistics duration.
Select the statistics time, whose value range varies with the statistics duration selected.
Select an attack event type to query the specified type of attack events
Select the attack protocol. The default is --, which means any protocol.
Select the attack severity. The default is --, which means any severity.
Src IP
Specify the attack source IP address.
Dest IP
Specify the attack destination IP address.
Dest Port
Specify the attack destination port.
Grouping by
Select a grouping mode. The system supports seven grouping modes: None, Event, Src IP,
Dest IP, Src IP and Dest IP, Dest Port, and Protocol.