Westermo MDI-112-F4G User Manual
Page 42

the configuration back to the switch. This mode is only provided by Web UI while
CLI is not supported.
TFTP Server mode: In this mode, the switch acts as TFTP client. Before you do so,
make sure that your TFTP server is ready. Then please type the IP address of TFTP
Server and Backup configuration file name. This mode can be used in both CLI
and Web UI.
TFTP Server IP Address: You need to key in the IP address of your TFTP Server
Backup/Restore File Name: Please type the correct file name of the
configuration file.
Configuration File: The configuration file of the switch is a pure text file. You can
open it by word/txt read file. You can also modify the file, add/remove the
configuration settings, and then restore back to the switch.
Startup Configuration File: After you saved the running-config to flash, the new
settings will be kept and work after power cycle. You can use show startup-config
to view it in CLI. The Backup command can only backup such configuration file to
your PC or TFTP server.
Once you finish selecting and configuring the settings, click on Backup or Restore
to run
Technical Tip:
Default Configuration File: The switch provides the default configuration file in the system.
You can use Reset button, Reload command to reset the system.
Running Configuration File: The CLI can show you the latest settings that are running on the
system. The information shown here are the settings you set up but have
n’t saved to flash. The
settings not yet saved to flash will not work after power recycle. You can use show
running-config to view it in CLI.