Station display tab, Create published data tab – Wavetronix Command DataView (CMD-DV) - User Guide User Manual
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Figure 7.6 – Published Data Viewer
The data in the list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers; click on a header a
second time to sort in the opposite direction. The number of entries displayed per page can
be controlled by adjusting the Data Records Per Page setting within the Display Settings
Create Published Data Tab
To create a new published data source, use the Create Published Data tab. This page can
also be used to modify an existing published data source by clicking on the Modify link in
the published data list.
For either creation or modification, set the name, aggregation, and (optionally) description
fields and click Create/Modify Published Data. Names for published data sources must be
unique. When you’ve finished, click Create Published Data or, when modifying, Modify
Published Data.
Station Display Tab
The Station Display tab allows you to customize how station listings are displayed on all
other pages of the DataView Web interface. By default, the station display is set to Station
ID, Direction and Description; although any of the 30+ default properties for stations can
be used.