Factor groups – Wavetronix Command DataView (CMD-DV) - User Guide User Manual
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To edit an existing station group, select it from the Station Groups list, edit the desired fields
and click Update Group.
To remove existing station groups, select them from the Station Groups list and click Re-
move Selected Groups. Removing a station group has no effect on any stations that origi-
nally belonged to that group.
Manage stations in station groups through the Station Groups menu, accessed by clicking
on Station Groups. To add stations to a group, select the desired stations from the main
Stations page, then select the station group from the drop-down list and click Add Station
to Group. Remove stations from a group in the same way. Select Clear All Station Groups
to remove all stations from all station groups.
Factor Groups
Factor groups allow stations that usually have similar seasonal traffic patterns to be grouped
together for more convenient data analysis. The purpose of the seasonal adjustment factor
group is to eliminate seasonal bias for annual average daily traffic (AADT) calculations for
temporary count stations. Monthly factors are calculated from permanent count stations.
The average daily count for a temporary count station is multiplied by the group’s factor for
that month, resulting in an AADT value without a seasonal bias.
Stations are not required to belong to a factor group; however, a station may belong
to only one factor group at a time.
Figure 3.10 – Factor Groups Tab
Factor Groups Tab – Existing factor groups will be displayed in the tree on the left. If
stations have already been assigned to a factor group, they will be displayed as child
nodes under the factor group name. Unlike station groups, stations may belong to only
one factor group.
To create a factor group, enter a name into the Factor Group Name field. Factor Group
names must be unique, contain a maximum of 25 characters, and contain only alpha-
numeric characters, dashes, spaces, or underscores. There is an optional Description
field for the factor group. Click Create Factor Group when finished.