System page, Users tab – Wavetronix Command DataView (CMD-DV) - User Guide User Manual
Page 70
In this chapter
˽ Users Tab
˽ Settings Tab
˽ Errors Tab
˽ Journal Tab
˽ Published Data Tab
˽ Station Display Tab
˽ Property File Tab
The System page contains a variety of configuration and other system information about
DataView. The left side of the screen contains the individual tabs for all DataView system
settings, each of which is outlined below.
Users Tab
The Users tab shown in Figure 7.1 allows administrators to create and modify system us-
ers. The current list of users is displayed in the User List, containing each user’s full name,
login, and email address (if configured). If you are not an administrator or do not have
Create/Modify/Delete Users privileges, only your own username will be visible in the list.
Clicking on a username will bring up that user’s individual information, including system
The User Details section contains the fields to add a new user or modify an existing user.
The Full Name and Email fields are optional, although users who wish to utilize DataView’s
System Page