Queries tab – Wavetronix Command DataView (CMD-DV) - User Guide User Manual
Page 66

Figure 6.10 – Report Output
The header on top of the report allows you to switch between the different pages of the re-
port and provides controls to export or print the report from the Web browser.
Supported export formats include:
Rich Text
Web archive
CSV (comma delimited)
To export the report, select an export type and click Export. The result file will be automati-
cally prepared for download by the Web browser.
Queries Tab
Data queries allow you to view data in a simple table form. To run a query, choose a data
source from the available options. Queries, like reports, can be run on any data source: im-
ported data, workbook data or published data. After selection, a drop-down list will appear
listing the available data sources or aggregation levels for the selected option.
After selecting a data source, select one or more stations using the Stations To Include:
control. Selecting All will include all stations the user has access to that have data within
the selected data source. Manual Select will open up a station grid to select stations indi-
vidually. Filter menus can be used to filter the manual select grid by station group or traffic
direction. A search field is also available to search for stations using a given text string.