Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
Page 72
Support, Maintenance, Troubleshooting
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev 1.0
9.3. Backing Up and Restoring Radar Sensor Configuration Settings
To back up or restore the sensor settings that you have changed, click the Backup/Restore
control on the Tools screen.
9.3.1. Creating a Backup
To create a backup, click on the
magnifying glass icon in the Back-up
File section. Choose a
destination (i.e. folder) on your
connected computer and type in a
recognizable filename – a name that
can be easily identified with a
particular radar at a particular site.
Then click the Back-up Sensor Setup
9.3.2. Restoring Settings
The restore function allows you to
restore a set of sensor settings you
have backed up. To restore, click on
the magnifying glass icon in the
Restore File section. Select the
backup file you wish to restore and
click OK, then click the Restore Sensor Setup button. Note that executing a
Restore process will overwrite and cause you to lose the settings previously on the sensor,
unless they are backed up.
9.3.3. Restore Factory Settings
To restore the sensor to factory defaults, click the Restore Factory Setup button on the bottom
of the screen. It is recommended that this function be invoked only under the direction and
guidance of Island radar engineering and support personnel.
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Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help
Backing up and restoring settings as well as installing new firmware upgrades is an
advanced function. Island Radar Company engineering and support personnel are available
to help guide you through these processes.
Protecting Configuration File Integrity
The backup will appear as an .mxc file. While this file can be opened as a text file by using
Notepad, do not edit the file, as it will change the settings you backed up.
Also, be sure to name backup files using a name that can be correlated to a specific radar at
a particular site, for instance, ‘NWQuadrantMapleStreet.mxc’.