Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
Page 70
Support, Maintenance, Troubleshooting
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev 1.0
9.2. Upgrading Radar Firmware
New firmware releases to improve or enhance radar sensor performance are made available
from time to time. These upgrades are transported and uploaded into the radar sensors using
new versions of the SSM-Rail configuration application.
Upon connection to a radar sensor as described in the preceding sections, the SSM-Rail
application will first check al the firmware versions in the radar sensor and indicate whether a
new firmware versions are available. If an upgrade is necessary the SSM-Rail will interrupt its
normal process and indicate this opportunity with the following screen.
If you think you have reached this screen in error, clicking the Recheck button will have the
software retry and ensure that there has not been a communication issue. Clicking the Details
button will display the current sensor and software version information.
9.2.1. Uploading and Installing New Radar Firmware
Click the UPLOAD FIRMWARE button to upgrade the
software. Some versions of the SSM-Rail application
provide the option to upgrade all radars connected to the
VDR24. We advise against this and prefer that you
upgrade each radar individually.
If any row is highlighted in red, the firmware upgrade may
need to be installed. Compare the sensor version date
with the SSM-Rail version date in the Digital row of the
details table. If the SSM-Rail firmware version date is
more recent than the sensor firmware version date, the
newer firmware will need to be installed; if the sensor’s
firmware date is more recent than the SSMM firmware
version date, a Downgrade Warning will appear notifying
you that older firmware will be uploaded to the sensor.
Firmware should not be downgraded unless it is
recommended and accomplished under the guidance of
Island Radar engineering and support.
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