Radar siting on dedicated poles – Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
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Installation and Sensor Siting
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev 1.0
3.2. Radar Siting on Dedicated Poles
If a dedicated pole is preferred it should be located so that radar sensor can be positioned at the
same point relative to the rails – slightly inside a line that runs through the descended gate arms
on each side of the crossing. The height of dedicated poles should be 18-22 feet above the
crossing roadway for optimum radar elevation. In addition, the distance between the dedicated
pole and the far side of the crossing should be less than 140 feet.
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3.3. Radar Siting on Dedicated Poles for Train Detection at Crossovers
For train detection at crossovers, dedicated poles are installed at positions around the crossover
so that each radar has a complete ‘view’ of the crossover dead section. In this use case, poles
should be at least 20 feet high. It is recommended that Island Radar engineering and support
participate in siting radar sensors for non-crossing applications.
Whether at a crossing or a crossover, Island Radar Company can provide optimum siting
location guidance utilizing satellite imagery. To access this complimentary support, contact
Island Radar Company with the DOT number or latitude and longitude information of the site.
Radar 1 on dedicated pole
Radar 2 on dedicated pole
Radar 1
Radar 2
Radar pole positioned inline with gate arms
Radar pole positioned inline with gate arms
140 foot radar range covers the entire width of the crossing