Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual

Page 58

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Setting Up Lanes, Zones, and Channels


VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev 1.0

8.4.2. Set Zone Delay and Extend Values
Once a zone’s location and boundaries are established there are additional parameters that

should be set to optimize performance. These include Delay and Extend parameters, which are

accessed by clicking on the Zn (where n = 1 to 16) control on the bottom of the SSM-Rail

screen. Setting the Delay Parameter
The Delay parameter is the time that a qualified vehicle must

be present within a detection zone for a detection event to

occur. This value is generally set at .1 or .2 seconds to

provide adequate immunity from spurious movement within

the detection zones. Set the Delay time to .2 seconds unless

advised otherwise by Island Radar engineering and support. Setting the Extend Parameter
The Extend parameter sets a minimum output pulse time for a

detection event. Unless advised otherwise by Island Radar

engineering and support, this setting may be left at 0 seconds.
8.4.3. Assign Zones to Output Channels
The VDR24 provides four isolated output Channels that

connect to railroad equipment (controllers or relay logic

circuitry). Zones that have been established must be assigned

to one or more output channels. To do so, click on the LED

indicator icon at the bottom of the SSM-Rail screen. This will

present a matrix where zones that are configured may be

assigned and correlated to any of eight output Channels. For

the VDR24 however, only four output channels are provided.

Click on the necessary LED icons to establish the desired

Zone-Channel relationships.
8.4.4. Channel Settings
Clicking on the C




=1 to 8) icon permits other

Channel level parameters to be configured. This is an

alternate area to assign Delay and Extend settings similar to

what was done directly with each Zone. Unless advised

otherwise by Island radar engineering and support, these

setting should not be configured and should be left at 0.
8.4.5. Save Zone and Channel Settings
When all zones have been configured and associated

parameters established, click the disk icon to store the

configuration in the radar sensor itself.

FFiigguurree 4411 -- SSeettttiinngg tthhee

ZZoonnee''ss D

Deellaayy aanndd EExxtteenndd



FFiigguurree 4422 -- M

Maappppiinngg oorr


Assssiiggnniinngg aa ZZoonnee ttoo aann


Ouuttppuutt C
