Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
Page 47
Power Up and User Interface Navigation
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev. 1.0
47 Connect and Verify Connection to the Radar Sensor to be Configured
Following a successful search of radar sensors connected to the VDR24, a list will be shown
from which a specific sensor may be chosen for configuration. The list will show the sensor ID
numbers, which are typically the last few digits of the sensor serial number.
If the radar sensors have never been configured, they may contain, unknown data for the
Location and Approach parameters – these will be set up in subsequent configuration steps.
The important thing at this point is that the radar sensors connected to the VDR24 have been
found and are now available for selection and configuration.
Highlight the radar sensor to be configured and click Select to connect the SSM-Rail application
to the chosen sensor.
When connected to the chosen radar sensor, the red and green arrows on the upper right
portion of the SSM-Rail screen will animate with arrows moving in opposite directions to
authenticate ongoing communications with the radar sensor.
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Coonnnneecctteedd R
Raaddaarr SSeennssoorr
Animated arrows verify
communication between the
SSM-Rail App and the radar