Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual

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Setting Up Lanes, Zones, and Channels

VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev. 1.0


8.1.1. Connect the SSM-Rail Application
The first step before connecting to one of the radar sensors is to set the serial communication

port used by the SSM-Rail application. Depending on the computer being used it may be

easiest to select AutoDetect.
The Internet selection tab is used when there is an Ethernet-based connection to the

configuration application. The Virtual selection tab is used for simulating detections utilizing

recorded emissions. This is primarily used for training purposes of for Island radar engineers to

evaluate specific installation behavior. Most users will utilize the RS-232 serial port for

configuring radar sensors.

1. Select the Serial Tab
2. Select the port being used by the SSM-Rail application. AutoDetect may also be used on

some computers

3. Set the timeout parameter to 1000ms (nominal setting)

8.1.2. Locate Connected Sensors Using Full or Quick Search
The Search control is used to discover and catalog all radar sensors connected to a specific

VDR24. Sensors are then chosen individually for connection and configuration.

1. When activating a system for the first time, select Full as the search method. This allows

the SSM-Rail application to resolve any address conflicts on its own when organizing

radar sensors connected to the VDR24. Afterwards, the Quick search method may be


2. Select Search to list radars connected to the VDR24

8.1.3. Verify the Radar Sensor is Connected
Following a successful search of radar sensors connected to the VDR24, a list will be shown

from which a specific sensor may be chosen for configuration. The list will show the sensor ID

numbers, which are typically the last few digits of the sensor serial number.
If the radar sensors have never been configured, they may contain, unknown data for the

Location and Approach parameters – these will be set up in subsequent configuration steps.

The important thing at this point is that the radar sensors connected to the VDR24 have been

found and are now available for selection and configuration.
Highlight the radar sensor to be configured and click Select to connect the SSM-Rail application

to the chosen sensor. When connected to the chosen radar sensor, the red and green arrows

on the upper right portion of the SSM-Rail screen will animate with arrows moving in opposite

directions to authenticate ongoing communications with the radar sensor.

Remember to Click OK – Click OK to Remember

When undergoing the programming and configuration steps shown below, be sure to click

OK to cause configuration settings to be consumed and remembered by the radar sensor

being programmed.