Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
Page 52
Setting Up Lanes, Zones, and Channels
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev 1.0
8.2. Assign and Verify Radar Sensor Settings
8.2.1. General Tab
Click on Sensor Settings to access the area for
general sensor operating environment setup. Shown in
the adjacent figure, fill in the detail for the General
Settings category. Serial Number
The Serial Number is programmed into the radar
sensor and cannot be altered by the user. But it is
important that this serial number be matched to the
physical location of the particular sensor at the site for
identification in the following steps. ID
Similar to the sensor’s serial number, the Sensor ID is
not a user-configurable parameter. Description
This field allows you to enter a description of up to 64
characters for each sensor. Information may include
GPS coordinates, the name of the closest city or town,
Milepost information, or a DOT number for the site. Location
This field allows you to enter the intersection location of the sensor – for instance the cross
streets or DOT number. This is the information that is revealed during a search function when
connecting the SSM-Rail application. Approach
Allows you to enter supplemental information about the side of the crossing or crossover the
radar is located on. This entry is limited to 32 characters. RF Channel
The RF Channel entry allows you set which one of the eight radio frequency channels the
sensor is using. If desired, the radar sensors can work this detail out on their own. Sensor Height
Enter the height of the sensor in feet. This value affects the sensor’s detection algorithms.
Entering an approximate height measurement for the sensor allows detections to be placed
correctly on the roadway. Units – Standard or Metric
Allows sensor height, zone dimensions and road objects to be viewed in metric mode rather
than standard units.
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