Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
Page 59
Setting Up Lanes, Zones, and Channels
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev. 1.0
8.5. SSM-Rail Tab 3 - Verify settings
The final step in the configuration process is to verify the operation of both radars – individually
and together with the railroad equipment (controller or relay logic). Tab 3 of the SSM-Rail
application provides real-time detection information along with moving icons that match the
vehicles being tracked by the radar.
Click tab 3 of the SSM-Rail application and then click each of the configured Channel Status
icons. Clicking these icons (only the ones that have zones associated with them) will cause
them to be illuminated with a red or green background, depending upon whether there is a
detected vehicle in any of the zones associated with that output channel. This will also cause
the zones to be highlighted in the detection footprint portion of the display in green.
FFiigguurree 4433 -- SSeettttiinngg U
Upp tthhee SSSSM
Raaiill D
Diissppllaayy ffoorr VVeerriiffiiccaattiioonn
Click Channel Status Indicator Area to
Illuminate Detection Zones
Vehicles Appear As Real-Time Icons Moving
Over the Crossing
Zones and Associated Channel Indicators Turn
Red When Detection Zone is Occupied
Green Highlighted Detection Zones
Safety Procedures Apply
When configuring and testing the radar system at a crossing or crossover, be sure to follow
safety procedures. Flagging the crossing and coordinating with local train traffic is mandatory
when detection events are being verified.