Apply initial power and basic checkout – Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual
Page 43
Power Up and User Interface Navigation
VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev. 1.0
7.3. Apply Initial Power and Basic Checkout
This section covers initial power up and check out of the entire radar system. Subsequent
sections provide guidance on setting up detection zones and other operating parameters.
Before setting up the radar and its detection zones, we want to be sure that everything is
connected and functioning properly. It is also important to be sure that the configuration
application – SSM-Rail – can communicate with each radar connected to the VDR245
7.3.1. Verify VDR24 and Radar Status
When power is applied, the VDR24 undergoes a series of setup and initialization procedures
and commands the connected radar sensors to do likewise. As this process completes its steps,
which takes about 45 seconds, the front panel displays progress. The successful completion of
each step is designated by an * character adjacent to each of the procedural steps within the
progress brackets [ ].
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When completed, the VDR24 will come to rest at the Home screen, 1.0 as shown below:
In addition the Health indicators for each of the connected radar sensors should be in a blinking
green state, indicating that valid messages are being received from the radar sensors
themselves. Zone information displayed on the front panel indicators may not be valid or
meaningful at this point since detection zones and other sensor operating parameters may not
have been set up.
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(goes to level 2)
(goes to level 3)
(goes to level 4)
to level 5)