Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual

Page 55

background image

Setting Up Lanes, Zones, and Channels

VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev. 1.0


the many lanes that have been revealed by moving traffic. If the lane has sharp bends in it,

additional nodes may be established by left clicking on the lane. These can also be moved

around to optimize the location of the lane. Before adding additional lanes, set the width as

instructed in the next section. Then return to this part to establish additional lanes, and so on.

This is necessary because

lanes cannot overlap one

another. Set Lane Widths
Measure the starting and

ending width of each lane as

well as any internal nodes

(vertices) within the lane.

Then left click on each node

and set the width

accordingly. Reposition the

lane if necessary to center it

on trackers left behind by

moving traffic. Set Lane Direction
Lastly, click on the directional

arrow at either end of the

lane so that the arrow shows

a bi-directional heading. This

is so that vehicles moving in

both directions will be

8.3.4. Set Background Attenuation
Finally, click on the Sensitivity

Control icon (appears as colored

rectangles depicting regions within

the detection footprint).
This allows the entire detection

footprint to be fine-tuned for

sensitivity as well as establishing

separate levels of gain or

attenuation for specific regions and


within the detection

footprint. Island Radar tests have

shown that this attenuation level

should be set to +1 or +2 dB of

attenuation for the entire region.
By left clicking on the detection

footprint, the Adjust All control can

be accessed.
This presents a slider control,

permitting attenuation to be set at

FFiigguurree 3355 -- SSeettttiinngg LLaanneess A

Attttrriibbuutteess SSSSM


Raaiill TTaabb 11

FFiigguurree 3366 –– A

Acccceessssiinngg A

Atttteennuuaattiioonn A



Trackers from Vehicles

Moving Over Crossing
Lanes Position Centered on

Lane Widths Set to Actual

Lane Direction Arrow Set to


Sensitivity Control
Click here to set attenuation

Adjusting Attenuation

and Sensitivity for

the Entire Detection

Footprint Region