Wavetronix VDR24 Radar User Manual

Page 64

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Support, Maintenance, Troubleshooting


VDR24 Radar Detection System, Rev 1.0

9.1.1. Real-Time Detection Activity (Visual)
A simple routine check of the radar detection system may be accomplished by watching

vehicles travel through the detection zone areas and noting the detection events as evidenced

on the VDR24 front panel indicators. Indicators are provided for each zone for each radar

sensor. Both radar sensors should record each vehicle detection, although the detection events

are not expected to be simultaneous, occurring at precisely the same instant in time.
9.1.2. VDR24 Indicator Status (Visual)
Other front panel indicators provide a view of operating status and their operating state should

be verified. Under normal operating modes, the Health indicator associated with each radar

sensor should be flashing green. The flashing activity verifies operation of each of the radar

sensor’s output processors. The green indication verifies that the radar sensors are in normal

operating mode and have not entered a failsafe state.
A failsafe state, the causal factors for which are set out in Section 7 of this document, is

characterized by a red Health indicator and all zones in a red, or forced detection, state.
As described in the foregoing sections, if the Island Relay (IR) circuit is de-energized and in an

active state, front panel detection indications will be influenced. An active IR state informs the

VDR24 that a train is occupying the crossing, a situation that suppresses normal detection

9.1.3. Communication Quality
Each radar sensor communicates with the VDR24 16 times per second. Each communication

event conveys presence and other radar operating parameters to the VDR24 Controller where

those states are then presented to connected railroad equipment. Each communication event

also includes checksum information that allows the VDR24 Controller to verify message

integrity. If there are missed communication messages because of radar failure, poor

communication cable connections, or severed cables, the VDR24 knows it within one second. If

the situation persists longer than 2 seconds, the affected radar channel immediately goes into

failsafe and the sensor’s health circuit is de-energized (opened). Likewise, if messages do not

pass the messages integrity tests, due to damaged cables or high levels of induced electrical

noise the system will revert to failsafe for the affected channel.

Message frequency and the quality of the message validation checks can be viewed in real time

for each radar channel by navigating to screen 2.3 (Communication Quality – Current) and

screen 3.3 (Communication Quality – History). See Section 7 of this document for details on

keyboard/screen navigation.

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