Visara FEP-4600 Planning Guide User Manual
Page 78

Chapter 6. Support of PU 4 Connections
VTAM Gen Requirements
The VTAM gen requirements for a PU 4 connection through the FEP-4600 are much
simpler than for a real 37x5. This is because VTAM sees the connection as a Channel-to-
Channel connection (to the remote VTAM domain) and the majority of the configuration
will take place on the FEP-4600 itself. You should define one Local SNA Major Node
definition for each path to a 3745 that you need to define. (You can use a single Local
SNA Major Node definition to define multiple connections, but you will then need to
take all of those connections down any time that you make a change to one of them.)
An example definition for a PU 4 platform communicating through the FEP-4600 might
look like this:
If you wish to define parallel transmission groups to the same remote SA or definitions
for multiple destinations, you would need to create a multiple definitions as shown above,
but with different TGN number definitions.
For PU4 definitions (no SNI) there is no need to make a CDRM definition for the FEP-
4600 itself. The gateway function of the FEP-4600 passes all traffic through and is more
or less transparent. There is a place in the FEP-4600 configuration for a CDRM name,
and that should be configured, but it really does not get used in the actual PU4 (no SNI)
operations. Note that if a CDRM is defined for the FEP-4600 locally, any attempt to
establish a CDRM-CDRM session between the local VTAM and the FEP-4600 actually
gets passed through the interface to the remote CDRM which will cause confusion for the
two CDRMs.
VTAM Adjacent SSCP Table
If all of the PU4 connections that the FEP-4600 is providing are within the local SNA
network, then there is no reason to modify the VTAM Adjacent SSCP table.
VTAM Cross Domain Resource Considerations
The FEP-4600 does not affect the assignment of Cross Domain Resources when handling
same network PU4 traffic and there is no need to address resources within the FEP-4600,
so there should be no need to modify or add any CDSRC statements.
VTAM PATH Table Considerations
VTAM PATH definitions will need to be modified only if a new subarea number has
been assigned to the FEP- 4600. If the FEP-4600 is simply taking over the subarea
previously used by the 37x5 that it is replacing, then no changes should be required.