Visara FEP-4600 Planning Guide User Manual
Page 17

37x5 to FEP-4600 Migration and Planning Guide
EP BSC-attached RJE Platforms
RJE products are supported on BSC lines. Upstream the host definition is for a
UNIT=NOCHECK in the CNTLUNIT macro and a UNIT=2701 definition in the
IODEVICE macro. EP devices do not have VTAM definitions, but need the appropriate
definition in the application (JES). (Note SNA defined RJE connections are treated as
PU2 type connections.)
Direct Support for DLSw
The FEP-4600 is capable of converting host channel traffic directly to DLSw (Data Link
Switching) traffic internally. DLSw is a method of transporting SNA traffic within IP
packets that can traverse any typical IP network. You must have a platform on each end
of the IP network capable of sending and receiving the IP traffic and converting the SNA
traffic back into a more native data stream for processing by platforms that are incapable
of handling the DLSw traffic. Using the capabilities of the FEP-4600 it is possible to
keep LLC2 traffic off the local backbone network.
Two DLSw versions are supported by the FEP-4600. Version 1 represents remote nodes
that adhere to RFC 1434. This is typically a Visara 1174 controller, but could also be an
IBM 6611 router or possibly some other platform that supports RFC 1434. Version 2
represents remote nodes that support RFC 1795. This is the more commonly supported
RFC supported by most router vendors. Note that platforms that support RFC 2106
should use the Version 2 setting, as those platforms should negotiate backwards to RFC
1795 compatibility.
Hardware Redundancy
The FEP-4600 makes use of redundant power supplies. Older platforms have 3 power
supplies installed on them. Each supply is capable of supporting at least half of the power
consumption requirements of the platform. Newer platforms have 2 power supplies
installed, each capable of supporting all requirements of the platform. Each power supply
has its own external power source cable associated with it allowing you to connect to
multiple mains if you have them. Each power supply can be hot swapped if a failure were
to occur.
The FEP-4600 has multiple cooling fans each independently monitored for speed. Heat
monitoring is also maintained. Failing fans may be hot swapped for convenience.
The FEP-4600 has two hard drives using RAID mirroring to provide redundancy in case
one of the hard drives were to fail. Hard drives may be hot swapped in some
circumstances. The FEP-4600 Users Manual has more detail on procedures for replacing
hard drives.
BOSS © Attachments
Connections between multiple FEP-4600 platforms are handled by the Visara BOSS ©
architecture over Ethernet connections, also referred to as clustering. This traffic is
carried over TCP/IP using port 1026, and can be routed through any typical IP network.
For best performance, the interfaces can be interconnected at 1 Gbps speed. This feature
is no longer supported for new installations.