Visara FEP-4600 Planning Guide User Manual
Page 16

Chapter 1. FEP-4600 Overview
Token Ring LLC-attached PU 2.1 Platforms
PU 2.1 platforms are supported downstream from the FEP-4600 on Token Ring networks
using LLC2 protocol. Upstream, there are two different ways to define the VTAM PUs.
The preferred method is to define an XCA Major node in VTAM for the FEP-4600 and
Switched Major Node definitions for the PU 2.1 platforms. Using this method up to 255
downstream PU 2.0 platforms can be supported through a single XCA communication
pipe. Up to 8 XCA communication pipes may be defined for use with a single Token
Ring interface (total of 2048 downstream PUs). Each XCA Major Node definition uses
one of the available 256 subchannels provided by the ESCON interface.
For older units supporting the Luminex ESCON interface card, you could also define a
Channel Attached Major Node PU TYPE=2 in the VTAM definitions and UNIT=3174 in
the CNTLUNIT and IODEVICE macros. You must code XID=YES in the VTAM PU
definitions. A separate VTAM definition is required for each PU 2.1 node supported
directly through this gateway. Each Channel Attached Major Node requires one of the
available 256 subchannels provided by the ESCON interface. A separate VTAM
definition is required for each PU 2.1 node supported through this gateway. If support for
DLSw is required, a switch/router must be used to provide the LLC2/DLSw protocol
Token Ring LLC-attached PU 4 Platforms
PU 4 platforms are supported downstream from the FEP-4600 on Token Ring networks
using LLC2 protocol. Upstream, the definition is for a Channel Attached Major Node PU
TYPE=4 in the VTAM definitions and UNIT=SCTC in the CNTLUNIT and IODEVICE
macros. PU 4 connections can be either same-network or SNI. Multiple PU 4 connections
are supported through the same Token Ring interface. If support for DLSw is required, a
switch/router must be used to provide the LLC2/DLSw protocol conversion.
EP BSC-attached 3270 Platforms
Non-SNA 3270 products are supported on BSC lines. Upstream the host definition is for
a UNIT=NOCHECK in the CNTLUNIT macro and a UNIT=2701 definition in the
IODEVICE macro. EP devices do not have VTAM definitions, but need the appropriate
definition in the application (BTAM definition).
VTAM BSC-attached 3270 Platforms
Non-SNA 3270 products are supported over BSC lines by the FEP-4600. Upstream host
definitions are for UNIT=3174 in the CNTLUNIT macro and a 3270 display or printer
definition for UNIT in the IODEVICE macro. VTAM definitions require a LOCAL Non-
SNA Major Node definition, with appropriate display or printer types defined (i.e.
TERM=3277 or TERM=3284).