Vinpower Digital Xerox LightScribe Series User Manual

Page 35

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Xerox LS Duplicator 5

Design and Printing Labels
The instructions covered in this section will
help you design and print a label from your
LightScribe Standalone Duplication duplica-
tor .

Section 1: Design your labels

with LightScribe Template La-

beler and create a LightScribe

Label CD.

Step 1: Launch the LightScribe Template
Labeler .

By clicking the shortcut icon on your
desktop .

Or you can find the program launch short-
cut in Start > All Programs > LightScribe
Direct Disc Labeling > LightScribe Template
Labeler .

Since we use this software for design and
layout purpose, please ignore the “LightScribe
Disc Insertion” prompt below by pressing the
OK button .

Step 2: Select Template

Choose one of the preinstalled templates,
or click on “Get More Templates” to down-
load additional templates . (1)

Select the Category filter function to better
view and choose a template . Note that
each template may appear in multiple
categories . (2)

Click on your Template choice to activate . ()

Please note that you must
install the supplied LightScribe
software in order to proceed
with the instructions below.
If you have any difficulties
installing the software, please
contact Tech Support for as-



