Verilink C100 (880-502893-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 86
Performance Monitoring with the Console Port
Verilink C100 and C150 T1/FT1 CSU/DSU
Loss of Frame
Displays the number of Loss Of Frames. A Loss Of Frame starts with
2.5 seconds continuous Loss Of Signal and clears with at least one
second of no Loss Of Signal.
NI Bipolar Viol
Displays the number of BiPolar Violations received from the Network.
Displays the number of BiPolar Violations received from the DSX-1
NI TX Bit Dens
Displays the number of Bit Density Violations transmitted to the
NI RX Bit Dens
Displays the number of Bit Density Violations received from the
DSX-1 TX Bit Dens (C150)
Displays the number of Bit Density Violations transmitted to the DS
DSX-1 RX Bit Dens (C150)
Displays the number of Bit Density Violations received from the DSX-
NI Yel Alarm Sec
Displays the number of seconds which had at least one Yellow Alarm.
Yellow Alarm is a received signal or message which indicates that the
Network is not receiving a T-1 frame from the T-1 CSU/DSU.