Using the console port, Setting up the terminal, Using the console port -3 – Verilink C100 (880-502893-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 57: Setting up the terminal -3, Figure 5-1, Screen hierarchy t-1 csu/dsu -3
Using the Console Port
C100 and C150 T1/FT1 CSU/DSU
Using the console port
The console is also easy to use because the screen hierarchy is very flat.
In most cases there is only one screen displayed from the Main Menu.
The screen hierarchy is shown in the following illustration.
Figure 5-1
Screen hierarchy T-1 CSU/DSU
Setting up the
The console port and the ASCII terminal or modem must be
programmed for the same speed to use the console feature. The
settings of the console port on the T-1 CSU/DSU is 9600 bps, 8 data
bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
After the T-1 CSU/DSU and the VT100 terminal connections have
been cabled, powered up and communicating, the Main Menu show
is be displayed.
When using a single console for multiple units, each unit must be
selected by typing U or u followed by a unit address number of 1
through 8.
Main Menu
Local Registers
& Statistics