Super Systems SuperDATA User Manual
Page 37

Super Systems Inc
Page 37 of 172
Super Data Operations Manual
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-
8 for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection
must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to
Connection 1.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments.
The logical channel number assigned
Required. Applies to ALL instruments.
The physical address of the
instrument. For Yokogawa CPL instruments, the address range is 1-99.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments.
The instrument ID: CPL_YOK
Required. Specifies the CPL Data block(s) to be polled. Up to 20 blocks
may be specified. Blocks are specified as xxx-yyy where xxx=address offset
and yyy=count of words to be read. Total word count may not exceed 78
words. Example: to read 2 blocks of data, specify CB:256-10,CB:601-6. For
detailed information on data addresses, refer to Yokogawa Manuals IM
5D1D01-10E (Green Series Communications Functions) or TI 5d1B01-01E
(UT750 Digital Indicating Controller Control and Communication Functions).
Optional. Specifies Slot Multipliers. A multiplier may be specified for any of
the 78 slots (slots 0-77). Format as follows:
Example: SMULT:2x100,12x0.01
The example applies a multiplier of 100 to
slot 2 and a multiplier of 0.01 to slot 12. If not specified, the default
multiplier is 1.
Note: In the CPL protocol data is sent as an ASCII string and
may be integer or floating point. In SuperData all data is stored as Integer
with implied decimal locations. Thus a value of 1.12 would normally be
stored in SuperData as 1. To store the value in SuperData as 112 with
implied decimal of 2, specify a slot multiplier for the associated slot.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments.
Do not log data from this channel.
Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not
required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will
be data logged at one minute intervals.
Optional. Applies to Channels that contain bitmapped alarms.
configuration setup.
ALM(PAL slot, Alarm offset, Alarm Bitmap Start Slot,
Alarm ACK Bitmap Slot, Number of Bitmap Slots).
Normally this will
be configured by SSI personnel familiar with the application. If you are not
sure, do not include Bitmapped support. Invalid configurations may cause
spurious invalid alarms to be reported on RealTime and in AlarmReports.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments.
Alarm Block Configuration .
any specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both.
Allows a
custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but
generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable
of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block
Required. Applies to ALL instruments.
Instrument name. Limited to 12
Characters with no spaces.
AllenBradley DF1 Instruments
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[DB:xxx-yyy],…,[DB:xxx-yyy], [ALM],[ NOLOG],[ABC] " = "tag "
5CH#11(1-7) = "AB_PLC,DB:0-30,DB:30-10" = "AB-PLC5"