Super Systems SuperDATA User Manual

Page 154

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Super Systems Inc

Page 154 of 172

Super Data Operations Manual

In this chart, the "IR %Carb" scale is selected.

Note: When a chart is printed, all unique scales will be printed.

Set Chart Times

The chart time scale is automatic and depends on the Chart's Window Width and chart start time. When the chart
opens in "normal" mode, the right end of the time scale will be current time and will update every minute – this is the
"realtime" mode.

The chart opens with a default "window width" of 12 Hrs. In the "realtime" mode, the right scroll button and the
"realtime" button are disabled (dimmed).

The window width may be changed from 1 Hour thru 7 days. Changing the window width will cause the data to be
refreshed and the chart will be redrawn. The Left scroll button will cause the chart to exit realtime mode and move
the chart back in time by ½ of the window width. The right scroll button will move the chart forward in time by ½ of
the window width. You may resume "realtime" mode by clicking on the "realtime" button next to the right scroll