Super Systems SuperDATA User Manual

Page 102

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Super Systems Inc

Page 102 of 172

Super Data Operations Manual

AND: Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions
OR: Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions
XOR: Performs a logical exclusion on two expressions
PI: Pi constant
ABS: Returns the absolute value of a number
INT: Returns the integer portion of a number, for negative the next number <= number is returned
FIX: Returns the integer portion of a number, for negative the next number >= number is returned
SGN: Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number
SQR: Returns the square root of a number
LOG: Returns the natural logarithm of a number
EXP: Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power
SIN: Returns the sine of an angle
COS: Returns the cosine of an angle
TAN: Returns the tangent of an angle
ATN: Returns the arctangent of a number
MIN: Returns the lesser of two supplied numbers
MAX: Returns the greater of two supplied numbers
IIF: Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression – IIF(expr, true, false)

Image Boxes

An image box is used to display a picture file. The picture can be a complete background over which other objects
can be placed, or it can be a stand-alone figure.


Name - The Name property makes the object easier for the RealEdit programmer to identify. Often it is a good idea
to use the same name for related objects, such as a Data Value that represents a Constant.

Picture - Name of the picture reference to apply.

Top - The top position, in twips, of the object.

Left - The Left position, in twips, of the object.

Height - The Height value, in twips, of the object.

Width - The Width value, in twips, of the object.

Sizing - The control placed on the resizing of an object to preserve aspect ratio. Sizing methods may be:

No Aspect Lock: No control over the aspect ratio.
Aspect Lock By Height:

Adjusts the width when the height is changed.

Aspect Lock By Width:

Adjusts the height when the width is changed.

REQUIREMENTS: 1 Picture File Reference