Realtime events – Super Systems SuperDATA User Manual

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Super Data Operations Manual

RealTime Events

The following table describes the RTEvents available in RealEdit/RealTime and the functions of their sub components
Data Value X, Data Value Y, and Destination. Note that even when a sub component is marked N/A in the table,


still must exist

. Under these circumstances, it is suggested that the stock data value name "(none)" be selected for

Data Values X and/or Y, while the stock Constant Destination named "(none)" be selected for the destination.

Copy Data Value X to Destination.


Copies the current value of Data Value X to the specified Destination.

Data Value X: Data Value that contains the current value to be copied.
Data Value Y: N/A

INI File; Flat File; Comm Destination; DBF File Reference; MDB Table Reference; Lookup List;
Constant; Edit Box; Lookup Index; Value List; Data Value; System Parameter; Spin Button;
ODBC Reference; Datalog.

Copy Pending Edit of Data Value X to Destination.


Copies the pending edit of Data Value X to the specified Destination without resetting the
pending edit to zero.

Data Value X: Data Value that contains the pending edit value to be copied.
Data Value Y: N/A

INI File; Flat File; Comm Destination; DBF File Reference; MDB Table Reference; Lookup List;
Constant; Edit Box; Lookup Index; Value List; Data Value; System Parameter; Spin Button;
ODBC Reference; Datalog.

Append Blank Record.


Appends a blank record to a database table.

Data Value X: N/A
Data Value Y: N/A

ODBC Reference; DBF File Reference; MDB Table Reference.

Show Hourglass Mouse Cursor.


Makes the mouse cursor into an hourglass (Used before starting a lengthy process in the
RTEvent List).

Data Value X: N/A
Data Value Y: N/A


Clear Hourglass Mouse Cursor.


Sets the mouse cursor back to its default appearance (Used after a lengthy process in the

RTEvent List).
Data Value X: N/A
Data Value Y: N/A


Delete Database Record.


Deletes the current database record.

Data Value X: N/A
Data Value Y: N/A

ODBC Reference; DBF File Reference; MDB Table Reference.

Send Pending Edit.


Sends the pending edit of Data Value X to the specified Destination and resets the pending
edit to zero.