Mua ii controller configuration, Mua ii confi guration screens – Orion System VAV II Controller v.1 User Manual

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VAV/CAV/MUA Operator Interface SD


Confi guration Screen #7 - Broadcast

Humidity Reading

MUA-II Cnfg 0001

Broadcast Humidity

Reading: No

Use < Or > To Change

If you have other unit controllers on the system, you can elect to broad-
cast the Outdoor Humidity to these units by selecting Yes on this screen.
If you don’t have other controllers or they have their own Outdoor
Humidity Sensors, select No. Default is No.

MUA II Confi guration Screens

Confi guration Screens #8-#27 - Relay

Confi guration Screens

MUA-II Cnfg 0001

Relay Configurations

Rly xx: Not Used

Use < Or > To Change

The following 20 screens allow you to set the 4 relays on the MUA II
Controller board and up to 16 additional relays when relay expansion
board(s) are used.

The fi rst relay on the controller is always reserved for the Supply Fan.
The remaining 4 relays on the main board and the additional 16 relays
on the expansion relay boards can be confi gured by pressing the left or
right arrow key to change the relay to the desired confi guration.

Available options are



Gas Re-Heat

Heat Stage

Exhaust Fan

Cool Stage


Warmup Mode

External Heat



The MUA II Controller does not require you to start confi guring your
Heating or Cooling Stages fi rst nor does it require that you utilize con-
secutive relays until all Heating or Cooling Stages have been defi ned.

This method allows the greatest fl exibility in the fi eld, but it requires
close attention to the wiring of the Heating and Cooling Stages to prevent
incorrect and possibly harmful operation. The controller assumes that
there will only be one relay confi gured for Hot Gas Reheat and one relay
for External Heat Enable, although it doesn’t prevent multiple relays
from being selected.