Displaying channel pairs – Measurement Computing eZ-Record rev.2.1 User Manual
Page 44

eZ-Record Manual
January 2001
Text places a comments text box on the plot. After you select text, click on the
plot and start typing. You are limited to 26 character places. Click on the
right corner of the text box to move it anywhere on the plot window.
Peak Search (All) places a floating window of peak values on the plot.
Peak Search (Band) places of a floating window of peak values within the
limits of a cursor band.
A channel pair is a reference channel and a response channel used to display a
dual channel function, such as an FRF.
In the Input channel configuration panel, set at least one channel as a reference
channel. After you click OK and look at the channel buttons in the main window,
you will notice that each reference channel now has a bold number. One of them
also is underlined. That channel will be used as the reference channel for any
dual function displays.
To change to another reference channel, right click on the channel of interest.
It will now be underlined.
Note: All channels are response channels, even those that have been
designated as reference channels.