Measurement Computing eZ-Record rev.2.1 User Manual

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eZ-Record Manual

January 2001

To change the Active Status of a Channel, click in the cell for the channel of
interest and select True or False on the popup menu.

Label: This should be a meaningful name that you assign to the signal received

on a channel. The channel number is automatically assigned. Highlight a cell
before typing a label. When you press the Enter key, the value is accepted.
R Type: There are two types of Channels: Response or Reference. All

channels are initialized as response channels. If you are using a force
channel highlight that channels R Type cell, select reference on the
popup menu and press Enter.

FSV: F(ull) S(cale) V(oltage): The value in this field sets the Full Scale value in

Volts. The acceptable range of values is 0.0019 V to 25 V.

EU Mode: E(ngineering) U(nits): Select True or False.
I Type: This is the type of instrument attached to the channel. Menu selections

include: Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, Force, Pressure, Stress, Strain,
and General.

mV/EU: This is the scaling factor of millivolts to your Engineering Units.
dB EU Ref: dB EU Reference is applied to displayed data when the Y-axis scale

is set to dB. This is valid only for frequency domain data.
The formula for dB display for Unaveraged Spectrum, Averaged Spectrum,
and FRF is:

dB = 20 log (x/dBEUref)

The formula for dB display for Autospectrum, Cross Spectrum, and PSD is:

dB =10log[x/((dBEUref)^2)]

See also dB Reference (Volt) in the Miscellaneous Tab.

Units: Enter the measurement units you will be using.
Location: This is a simple numbering system. The channel number is the

default value for location. However, you can highlight a cell and type a
different location number. When you press the Enter key, the value is

Coord: This is the axial direction of the transducer connected to the channel.

Make your selection on the popup menu. Note: The coordinate system is
selected in the Miscellaneous panel.