Measurement Computing eZ-Record rev.2.1 User Manual
Page 38
eZ-Record Manual
January 2001
frequency-domain analysis is built. The cross spectrum is calibrated in units
of (peak EUy) (peak EUx).
Octave: Many sounds, including audible noise for a transmission line, are
broad band, having components that are continuously distributed over a
range of frequencies. The spectrum of such a sound can be approximated in
terms of a series of octave band or one-third octave band pressure levels. A
band is designated by its center frequency, f
, which is the geometric mean of
the upper and lower frequencies of the band. (See ANSI/ASC S1.6-1984.
Activates the Octave Type menu. Select the desired Octave Type on the
Octave Type menu.
Transfer: Activates the Transfer Type menu option. Select the desired
Transfer Type on the Transfer Type menu.
Unaveraged Spectrum: A display function of the magnitude of instantaneous
unaveraged spectrum.
Averaged Time: A single-channel display function. Displays a time domain
waveform of filtered, averaged, sampled data scaled in either Volts or EUs.
Reference Spectrum minus Current Spectrum: Displays the difference
between the Reference Spectrum and the Current Spectrum when
Linear (-), Negative Averaging, is specified.
Windowed Time: Applies to the FFT Response window specified in the
Miscellaneous Tab of the Medallion Configuration window to time data.