Calibration procedure – Measurement Computing eZ-Record rev.2.1 User Manual
Page 29

January 2001
eZ-Record Manual
Accelerometer type - Piezotronics 303A03
Calibrator - Piezotronics 394B05 - 1.02 G (RMS) at 80Hz
Unit of acceleration - in/sec^2
1.02 G RMS is equivalent to 1.4423 G PEAK (=1.414*1.02) and 1G=386.089 in/
sec^2. Thus 1.02 G RMS is equal to 556.8484 in/sec^2. This is a linear type. Thus
select “Linear” calibration unit.
1. Attach the accelerometer to the calibrator (signal source). Connect the other
end of the accelerometer cable to the channel you want to calibrate (i.e.
channel 1).
2. Set an appropriate bandwidth in the Analyzer Setup window (i.e. 200 Hz).
Select a response window other than exponential and no force window. If you
are not providing a trigger signal choose free run Start Mode.
3. Set the FSV into a proper range (i.e. 32.4 mV) in the Input Setup window and
click the Apply button.
4. Open the Calibration Window.
5. Select True for the channel(s) to be calibrated.
6. Enter the scale (i.e. 556.843) in the Units field.
7. Enter the calibrator frequency. (i.e. 80 Hz).
8. Click the Start Button to begin calibration.