K-Patents PR-01-S User Manual
Page 87

Effective: May 15, 2009
– Select the relay function
0. Not defined
1. Processor OK: The relay is ON if the processor is running
2. Normal operation: The relay is ON if the diagnostic message is Normal operation.
3. No malfunction: The relay is ON if the diagnostic message is Normal operation or Low conc/no
4. Low limit: Low alarm relay, relay is ON if value below limit.
5. High limit: High alarm relay, relay is ON if value above limit.
6. Preconditioning: A preconditioning relay. (Not possible for built-in signal relays).
7. Wash: A wash relay. (Not possible for built-in signal relays).
8. In divert control. The relay is ON if the refractometer is activated in divert control system. See
Section 2.8 and separate Instruction Manual for Digital Divert Control System.
– After a Low limit/High limit decision, the display asks for the alarm source, alternatively:
0. CONC %
1. Standard RI(25 °C)
2. TEMP °C
3. TEMP °F
5. Sensor temperature
6. Sensor humidity
Note. The alarm source can be changed by selecting relay function 9. for the alarm relay.
– When the source is decided, the alarm limit has to be entered. The default value of the limit is zero.
Note. To be complete, the specification of an alarm relay requires decision of High/Low, source and
limit value.
To prevent the alarms to be too sensitive, an alarm delay in seconds can be set, common to all relays.
The source value has to be out of limits during the whole delay time to activate the relay. The default
value is ten seconds.
– If the Relay unit is used as a wash timer, the time settings (Figure 9.21) are entered after the sequence
Calibrate/Parameters/Prism wash:
1. Preconditioning time, s (10)
2. Wash time, s (3)
3. Recovery time, s (30)
4. Wash interval, min (20)
The default values are in parenthesis. The output signal is locked during Recovery and Wash if not
otherwise specified (Section 2.8, current output).
Figure 9.21
Prism wash sequence.
Interlock: The preconditioning and wash relays are not activated under "Low conc/no sample", Section 6.3,
as this indicates a clean prism in an empty process line.