K-Patents PR-01-S User Manual
Page 57

Effective: May 15, 2009
Processor startup errors
The processor hardware is checked on startup. The startup failures are announced as blinking codes on the
LED D3. The error code is 1 to 5 blinks on D3 with D4 dark. The error code is the following:
– 1 blink: The chip select unit on the CPU chip (80C186EB) is faulty.
– 2 blinks: The CPU failed the register test. The CPU chip is faulty.
– 3 blinks: The RAM memory failed the address uniqueness test. The memory or its bus interface is
– 4 blinks: The RAM memory failed the pattern test. There is a bad RAM chip.
– 5 blinks: The code in ROM failed the CRC check. The code is protected with a CRC check. The ROM
chip or program pattern in it is faulty.
Replacing the EPROM
For instructions on how to replace the EPROM for example for IT-R program upgrade, see section 2.10.1.
Display controller card
The Display controller card has the components surface mounted, and it should be considered as one part.
Study Figure 6.50 to get a basic understanding of how the Sensor works.
Select Calibrate/Optical image from the Normal Display (Figure 2.60). The screen (Figure 6.51) contains
now all raw data from the Sensor including the signals from each photo cell, i.e. the raw video signal. This
differs from the Optical image, Figure 2.72, selected through the "Display" key.
The video signal describing the optical image should look like Figure 6.51. In that case the Sensor is OK,
and it should not be touched. If the concentration output does not agree with laboratory values, a Field
calibration (Section 5.3) should be done.
The video signal can also be measured directly by an oscilloscope. Use an oscilloscope with a 10 MOhm
probe (10x) in AC mode. Connect the signal ground to TP 0V, and the channel to TP4, see Figures 6.52
and 6.50. The duration of one image is 3 ms. The voltage amplitude is 2.5 - 3.7 V corresponding to
Indicating transmitter display 0 - 255.