Cnc requirements, Auto gas console – Hypertherm HPR800XD Auto Gas Rev.2 User Manual

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Appendix B – CnC interfACe protoCol


HPR800XD Auto Gas –


cNc requirements

Auto gas console

Below is a list of functionality that CNCs must offer for the automatic gas console version of the HPR system. In this

system configuration there is no local control of the plasma system. All settings and diagnostic information will be under

CNC control.

1. Display and adjust the current setpoint – cutting current, see command ID No. 95
2. Display and adjust the plasma preflow setpoint – pressure setting, see command ID No. 95
3. Display and adjust the plasma cutflow setpoint – pressure setting, see command ID No. 95
4. Display and adjust the shield preflow setpoint – pressure setting, see command ID No. 95
5. Display and adjust the shield cutflow setpoint – pressure setting, see command ID No. 95
6. Display and adjust the plasma gas type – inlet gas selection, see command ID No. 95
7. Display and adjust the shield gas type – inlet gas selection, see command ID No. 95
8. Display and adjust the gas mixing setpoint – pressure setpoint, see command ID No. 95
9. Display the system error code – error code numbers, see command ID No. 3
10. Display the system status code – status code numbers, see command ID No. 2
11. Manual pump control – manually turn on/off the pump, see command ID No. 71
12. Display the firmware version – version of power supply and gas console firmware, see command ID No. 1
13. Test preflow gases – put the system in test gas mode, see command ID No. 64, 65
14. Test cutflow gases – put the system in test gas mode, see command ID No. 66, 67
15. Power on/off – turn on/off the plasma system, not a serial command (active low, dry contact, opto-isolated)
16. Display line voltage – see command ID No. 100
17. Display chopper current(s) – see command ID No. 100
18. Display work lead current – see command ID No. 100
19. Display chopper temperature(s) – see command ID No. 100
20. Display transformer temperature – see command ID No. 100
21. Display gas pressures – see command ID No. 79
22. Display coolant flow rate – see command ID No. 100