Grounding safety, Electrical hazards, Electric shock can kill – Hypertherm HPR800XD Auto Gas Rev.2 User Manual

Page 19: Safety and compliance sc-3 safety grounding safety

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Safety and Compliance




work lead Attach the work lead securely to the workpiece or the

cutting table with good metal-to-metal contact. Do not connect it to

the piece that will fall away when the cut is complete.

cutting table Connect the cutting table to an earth ground, in

accordance with appropriate national and local electrical regulations.

Input power
• Make sure to connect the power cord ground wire to the ground in

the disconnect box.

• If installation of the plasma system involves connecting the power

cord to the power supply, make sure to connect the power cord

ground wire properly.

• Place the power cord’s ground wire on the stud first, then place any

other ground wires on top of the power cord ground. Tighten the

retaining nut.

• Tighten all electrical connections to avoid excessive heating.


• Only trained and authorized personnel may open this equipment.
• If the equipment is permanently connected, turn it off, and lock

out/ tag out power before the enclosure is opened.

• If power is supplied to the equipment with a cord, unplug the unit

before the enclosure is opened.

• Lockable disconnects or lockable plug covers must be provided

by others.

• Wait 5 minutes after removal of power before entering the enclosure

to allow stored energy to discharge.

• If the equipment must have power when the enclosure is open for

servicing, arc flash explosion hazards may exist. Follow all local

requirements (NFPA 70E in the USA) for safe work practices and for

personal protective equipment when servicing energized equipment.

• Prior to operating the equipment after moving, opening, or servicing,

make sure to close the enclosure and make sure that there is proper

earth ground continuity to the enclosure.

• Always follow these instructions for disconnecting power before

inspecting or changing torch consumable parts.

ElEctRIc SHock cAN kIll

Touching live electrical parts can cause a fatal shock or severe burn.
• Operating the plasma system completes an electrical circuit between

the torch and the workpiece. The workpiece and anything touching

the workpiece are part of the electrical circuit.

• In machine torch applications, never touch the torch body, workpiece,

or water in a water table when the plasma system is operating.

Electric shock prevention

All plasma systems use high voltage in the cutting process

(200 to 400 vDc are common). take the following precautions

when operating this system:
• Wear insulated gloves and boots, and keep your body and

clothing dry.

• Do not stand, sit, or lie on – or touch – any wet surface when using

the plasma system.

• Insulate yourself from the work and ground using dry insulating mats

or covers big enough to prevent any physical contact with the work or

ground. If you must cut in or near a damp area, use extreme caution.

• Provide a disconnect switch close to the power supply with properly

sized fuses. This switch allows the operator to turn off the power

supply quickly in an emergency situation.

• When using a water table, make sure that it is correctly connected to

an earth ground.

• Install and ground this equipment according to the instruction manual

and in accordance with national and local regulations.

• Inspect the input power cord frequently for damage or cracking of

the cover. Replace a damaged power cord immediately. bare wiring

can kill.

• Inspect and replace any worn or damaged torch leads.
• Do not pick up the workpiece, including the waste cutoff, while

you cut. Leave the workpiece in place or on the workbench with

the work lead attached during the cutting process.

• Before checking, cleaning, or changing torch parts, disconnect

the main power or unplug the power supply.

• Never bypass or shortcut the safety interlocks.
• Before removing any power supply or system enclosure cover,

disconnect electrical input power. Wait 5 minutes after disconnecting

the main power to allow capacitors to discharge.

• Never operate the plasma system unless the power supply covers

are in place. Exposed power supply connections present a severe

electrical hazard.

• When making input connections, attach a proper grounding

conductor first.

• Each plasma system is designed to be used only with specific

torches. Do not substitute other torches, which could overheat and

present a safety hazard.