Greenheck Microprocessor Controller (474706 IOM) TAP v1.04 June 2011 (ERCH, ERH, APEX, VER, ERT) User Manual
Reference guide for the ddc controller

DDC Controller for Tempered Air Products
Reference Guide for the DDC Controller
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to operate or maintain the product
described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety practices. Failure to comply with instructions
could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
Program Features
The DDC controller offers improved control through
easy monitoring and adjustment of unit parameters
by way of a lighted graphical display and a push-
button keypad. The controller also has the ability
to communicate with a BMS (Building Management
System) through protocols such as LonWorks®,
BACnet® MSTP, BACnet® IP or Modbus. See Points
List on page 26 for a complete list of BMS points.
Pre-Programmed Operating Sequences
The controller has been pre-programmed to offer
multiple control sequences to provide tempered air.
Factory default settings allow for easy setup and
commissioning. The sequence parameters are fully
adjustable. The controller is ready from the factory
with pre-set operating sequences:
• Outdoor Air Temperature Reset
The default operating sequence is supply
air temperature control based on outdoor
air temperature. The controller will monitor
the outdoor air temperature and adjust the
supply air temperature to provide comfortable
conditions. This sequence provides simple and
reliable control, reacting to changing outdoor
air conditions. For more information, see the
Sequence of Operation section of this manual.
• Room Temperature Reset
If an optional room temperature sensor is
installed, the controller will automatically change
its operating sequence. Similar to the default
sequence, the controller will adjust the supply air
temperature to satisfy the room temperature set
point. For more information, see the Sequence of
Operation section of this manual.
An optional room dehumidistat can also be used for
room humidity control for both operating sequences.
BMS Communication
With the addition of an optional BMS Communication
card, the user can remotely adjust set points, view
unit status points and alarms. The DDC controller is
capable of communicating over several protocols:
• BACnet® MSTP
• BACnet® IP/Ethernet
• LonWorks®
• Modbus
Internal Time Clock
The controller has an internal programmable time
clock, allowing the user to add up to seven different
occupancy schedules. The user may also add
Holidays for additional energy savings.
Alarm Management
The DDC controller will monitor the unit conditions
for alarm conditions. Upon detecting an alarm, the
controller will record the alarm description, time,
date, available temperatures, and unit status for user
review. A digital output is reserved for remote alarm
indication. Alarms are also communicated via BMS
(if equipped).
Occupancy Modes
The DDC controller offers three modes of determining
occupancy: a dry contact, the internal time clock
or the BMS. If in the Unoccupied mode the unit will
either be shut down, or will cycle on to maintain an
adjustable unoccupied room temperature set point.
Remote Display Panel (Optional)
A touchpad display panel allows for remote
monitoring and adjustment of parameters, allowing
ease of control access without going outdoors.
TAP v1.04
Version Date: June 13, 2011
Part #474706
DDC Controller for
Tempered Air Products