Gasboy 1000 Series FMS Card Encoding Manual User Manual
Page 12

GASBOY Series 1000
This section describes the information fields encoded on the cards. Fields which indicate MAG
CARD ONLY pertain only to mag card systems and should be ignored when using optical
punched cards. If your Series 1000 is configured to match a CFN system, pay special attention to
the italicized notes Series 1000 - CFN Card Compatibility. Reference your Card Layout as you
read through the descriptions.
Card Type (Mag Card Only)
Card Type is a one- or two-digit field which is always the first field encoded on the card. The Card
Type field is always encoded with field separators. One field separator indicates a single card; the
system will not prompt for an additional card for system access. Two field separators indicate a
dual card (e.g., employee card). The system will prompt for a second dual card (e.g., vehicle
card) before allowing access.
System ID
System ID is a four-digit field which identifies your system and prevents access by users of other
systems. Your unique system ID is indicated on your card layout. When using two cards, the
system ID is encoded and verified on both cards.
Series 1000 - CFN Card Compatibility
Your Series 1000 may have a five- or six-digit ID field if it has been configured to match a CFN
System with a five- or six-digit system ID. See your Card Layout.
Start Field Separator (Mag Card Only)
One field separator is encoded after the system ID to indicate the beginning of identification field
Card Number
Card Number is a four-digit field which is used to lock out cards from access to your system.
When using dual cards, the card number is usually encoded on only one card. In dual card mag
systems, field separators take the place of the card number on the other card. In optical card
systems, all of the holes are punched in the card number position on the other dual card. If the
card number is encoded on both cards, it must be the same on both cards. You should assign
card numbers sequentially from 0001 to facilitate card administration.
If you have the Fuel Delivery and Dipstick Card option, cards encoded within the range 9980 to
9989 initiate a fuel delivery transaction; cards encoded within the range 9990 to 9999 initiate a
dipstick reading transaction. If you have the Supervisor Card option on an optical card system,
any card within the range 9960 to 9979 is treated as a supervisor card.