1500 paging, 1500 paging tone off time, Maximum digits allowed from keypad – GAI-Tronics L3149B C200 Advanced Deskset User Manual
Page 66: 1500 preamble digits, Talk now timer, 2805 paging, 2805 paging tone off time, 2805 preamble digits
L3149B (C200) Advanced Tone Remote Desk Set
1500 Paging
1500 Paging Tone Off Time
Allows the selection of the length of the Tone Off Time for 1500 paging. The Tone On Time is as
Tone On Time = 100 ms – Tone Off Time.
: This parameter affects alias paging as well.
Maximum Digits Allowed From Keypad
This parameter controls the selection of the maximum number of digits that may be entered from the
keypad by the operator. The valid range is 0 to 6.
1500 Preamble Digits
Allows you to preset up to nine 1500 preamble digits that are transmitted prior to the digits entered by the
operator. Valid range for each digit is 0-9.
Allows the selection of the length of time the user is allowed to talk after the paging signal. If the
button is pressed during the TALK NOW time, the unit continues to transmit until the button
is released. The range is 0 to 45 seconds. If 0 is selected, the operator is not allowed to talk after the
2805 Paging
2805 Paging Tone Off Time
Allows the selection of the length of the Tone Off Time for 1500 paging. The Tone On Time is equal to:
Tone On Time = 100 ms – Tone Off Time.
: This parameter affects alias paging as well.
Maximum Digits Allowed From Keypad
The parameter controls the selection of the maximum number of digits that may be entered by the
operator from the keypad. The valid range is 0 to 6.
2805 Preamble Digits
Allows you to preset up to nine 2805 preamble digits that are transmitted prior to the digits entered by the
operator. Valid range for each digit is 0-9.
Allows the selection of the length of time the user is allowed to talk after the paging signal. If the
button is pressed during the TALK NOW time, the unit continues to transmit until the button
is released. The range is 0 to 45 seconds. If 0 seconds is selected, the operator is not allowed to talk
after the page.